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Consult an ENT Specialist for hay fever

Whenever weather takes a turn, it comes with a slew of allergic infections. Hay fever is one of them. To minimize the symptoms, it’s best to visit an ENT specialist.

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to airborne substances like pollen that enter the upper part of the respiratory system causing sore throat, sinus and also affects the eyes.

Hay fever is one of the most common, recurring allergic diseases – a large chunk of population suffers from this condition. Normally, symptoms appear in childhood and lessen as we reach the age of 30-40.

ENT Specialist

What are the causes of hay fever?

Tiniest of substances get into the nose causing the body to develop antibodies and release histamine. Histamine pampers the upper segment of the respiratory system making them inflamed and creating hay fever symptoms. ENT specialists have blamed the genetic factor for people suffering from this condition. Common causes of hay fever include:

a.      Tree pollens like hazel and birch responsible for spring hay fever.
b.      Grass pollen responsible for summer hay fever.
c.       Home dust mites-particularly responsible for allergic rhinitis.

How does one know he has hay fever?

a.      Watery and scratchy eyes.
b.      Intermittent sneezing, wheezing and runny nose.
c.       Itching on the upper part of the mouth.
d.      Swelling in the throat leading to tonsillitis.

How does an ENT Specialist diagnose the issue?

Hay fever is so common that just by looking at the patient, an ENT Doctor can tell when, where and how symptoms occur. In order to find out the reason behind your suffering, he may conduct specific blood tests. However, it is not easy to identify the main culprit for hay fever.

Which medicines can help?

There are multiple pills available in the market that can take care of hay fever. Many of these are accessible from local medicine shop. Over-the-counter medication generally helps, but if the symptoms do not subside, the best way is to consult an ENT specialist.
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